About Me

My photo
Franklin Park, New Jersey, United States

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

100 things

1. I'm kinda scared of growing old-but I'm beginning to realize that it's a blessing.
2. I grew up on Long Island.
3. I'm an aunt to 3 nieces.
4. I fear rejection.
5. I am terrified of the backlash this blog may bring, but I want to speak what is on my heart.
6. I love the beach and to travel.
7. I had my first drink as a Junior in college-I was afraid that if I drank I would become an alcoholic.
8. My father is an alcoholic.
9. I've never done any drugs, not even weed.
10. I want to adopt children one day.
11. I will not have a child unless I'm married.
12. I'm a huge fan of Seinfeld. The season ended on my 22nd birthday.
13. That is the day I graduated from NYU.
14. I have a cat.
15. I don't care for dogs at all, I think that they are all wild beasts waiting to turn on you. In April 2005 one bit me. I was just walking down the street and did nothing to instigate the attack.
16. I have a hard time taking criticism or compliments. I often take them personally and feel like I don't deserve either.
17. I am really working on this-it is a flaw.
18. I'm glad I got to see New Orleans pre-Katrina.
19. I don't drink carbonated beverages but sometimes I have a swig of Pepsi (only Pepsi) with my pizza.
20. My mom's name was Grace Kelly before she was married.
21. I studied karate.
22. I was assaulted on the subway twice. Which is why I did #21.
23. I was never assaulted again.
24. I am severely allergic to shellfish, especially shrimp. I could die if I eat it.
25. All of my grandparents are dead.
26. I love food. I can't even pick a favorite cuisine-depends on my mood.
27. My music taste depends on my mood.
28. I've taking piano lessons at different points in my life. The last time was college, I got kinda good but haven't praticed in years.
29. I was in love with John Starks (formerly of the New York Knicks) in High School.
30. I went to my first Yankees game Summer of 2005.
31. I don't have a drivers license-but I will soon.
32. I dated a married man. I didn't know he was married at first...Then I did.
33. I like the color purple.
34. I used to date a lot of losers. For 2005 I decided "No Mas".
35. I met a nice guy.
36. I never like the way that I look in pictures.
37. I don't curse...Ever - for serious...
38. I was in therapy for 3 years. I stopped because it was really expensive but sometimes I wish I still had that outlet.
39. I believe in God.
40. I believe in Satan. You should too-after all, he believes in you.
41. I'm not registered with a political party.
42. I only became interested in politics in the last few years. What I've learned is some scary 'ish.
43. I worked at Bloomingdales in the evenings last holiday season. It was a lot of fun.
44. My middle name is Michel (pronounced My-Kel) but I tell everyone it's pronounced Michelle.
45. I bought and read, "He's just not that into you".
46. I love shoes.
47. I love pocket books.
48. I have too many of each.
49. I am afraid of being judged.
50. I am afraid of being labeled.
51. I was sometimes teased in elementary school. I don't remember why.
52. I dated the Homecoming King in High School.
53. I pee ALOT.
54. I like kisses on the cheek.
55. I have secrets I can't tell.
56. I don't play video games. I don't know how.
57. I don't have cable.
58. I wasn't allowed to watch much t.v. growing up.
59. I read a lot. I still do.
60. Dean Koontz is my favorite writer. I would like to meet him.
61. Christy Turlington was in my freshman psychology class. I didn't realize who she was until half-way through the semester. I just thought that she was really pretty.
62. I sometimes wish I had an older sibling.
63. I'm the oldest.
64. I want to make a difference in the world.
65. I am a very organized person.
66. Sometimes I want to just pick-up and go-move somewhere else, start over.
67. I never again want to live on Long Island.
68. If I had a little girl, I would name her Davis.
69. I believe everyone should have a cake on their birthdays.
70. I prefer homemade cake to bakery cake any day.
71. I don't drink coffee.
72. I believe in karma.
73. Sometimes I take diet pills.
74. I go to church. Sometimes I miss.
75. I like to make people laugh.
76. I have a sarcastic sense of humor.
77. I went to college pre-med.
78. I'm not a doctor.
79. I'm going back to school for photography.
80. I think that's what I want to be when I grow up.
81. I'm addicted to lotion. I must be moisturized at all times. This included my lips.
82. Friends make fun of me for this.
83. I've worn glasses since I was 8 or 9.
84. I got my period when I was 9.
85. When I was a little girl I always felt "older" mentally.
85. I have bouts of depression.
86. I started therapy because I was so sad that I was afraid if I started to cry I wouldn't be able to stop.
87. Therapy really helped a lot. I've got a better handle on life but sometimes I still have sad days.
88. I usually initiate get togethers with friends.
89. I have a bbq in Prospect Park every summer.
90. Sometimes I wonder what people see when they see me...
91. I have a gap between my teeth. I've never wanted braces because of it.
92. I'm always cold. I carry a pashmina-type shawl in my bag year round.
93. I love yellow cake with chocolate frosting.
94. I don't really like to cook. I sometimes bake during the winter months though.
95. I wanted to be married by the time I was 27.
96. I'm not good at lying.
97. I don't like getting my hands dirty. I wear gloves for dirty jobs.
98. I relax (chemically straighten) my own hair.
99. I generally don't wear one scent alone, I mix.
100. I don't send my laundry out. I can't stand the thought of someone touching my dirty clothes. (at the end of 2005-I started to send it out because I never had time to do it myself. It's not as bad as I thought)

101. I hate the sound that you hear when someone picks at their nails.
102. I hate winter.
103. I buy bathing suits online in the winter to cheer myself up.
104. I have to prepare myself weeks in advance when I have an appointment with "That Doctor" I hate it that much.
105. My uncle's name is R. Kelly
106. I'm a 36B and I don't mind-it's a handful, and that's all I need.
107. Everyone always asks me to google stuff for them.

walking on sunshine...

Sun shining bright, laughter, cool drinks and sidewalk cafes. The things that summer is made of, and it's all coming to an end. It's got me a bit down but I refuse to let it take me out. I wish I had the finances to take a cruise before the year ends but alas, I do not.
So I'll just flip through some old pics and take a trip down memory lane.

This is the view from Royal Caribbean's Serenade of the Seas. The island is St. Thomas or St. Lucia I believe. We visited so many islands on the cruise it's really hard to keep it all straight. They are all so lovely though.

I need to plan my next get away. Travel planning is my Prozac. It helps me keep the demons away. The actual execution of the trip is the exorcism for me. There is nothing better for me than waking up at dawn slipping into my bathing suit, throwing on a sarong and flip flops and heading out to the beach. As soon as my feet hit the sand I'm home. I love the beach. I pick a spot, rent a chair and prepare to relax. The sound of the waves and the smell of the salt isn't something that can be imitated. I can literally lay there for hours with or without company.

I've heard that some people don't like to go away because they come back depressed, down at the fact that they have to return to their "real life". Coming back isn't hard at all when I have a my next get away lined up. Sometimes that line-up is only in my head mind you but - hey it's lined up none the less.

I kinda wanted to hold off on planning a late winter/early spring fling since I've got two recently engaged folks out there who are having destination weddings one day soon. No dates have been set as of this minute (as far as I know) but next year is a definetly possiblity. I would like to build a vacation around one of those weddings but the suspense of waiting for a date is really killing me and I've got two friends who are jonesin' for a weekend cruise getaway. What's a girl to do?