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Franklin Park, New Jersey, United States

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The C-R-A-Z-Y

I'm getting my period next week. That means that this week I've got the crazies. It won't take much to set me off the deep end or send me into uncontrolable sobs. There will be nothing that you can do to please me from this point on until it's over. Any and/or every word out of your mouth is bound to piss me off. Since I've realized my pattern I try to actively keep myself in check and manage my reactions and emotions during this time period. It works...sometimes.

I wish that I wasn't like this - it's draining, not only on me but my relationships as well. I've tried medication but it only works when you remember to take it. For now, I'm going to try to have a good night. I decided to write a little to calm myself down because I was getting pretty worked up over things that I have absolutely no control over. I cannot control another persons actions -only my own. Tonight, in the battle of the c-r-a-z-y I am determined to triumph.