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Franklin Park, New Jersey, United States

Friday, September 29, 2006

"You have NO new messages"

I'm waiting for a call. Waiting for a call is the worst feeling ever. All I can think about is what the caller must be doing. Are they having a busy day or is it just bad news? As long as you don't hear anything bad news is still good news right? No news is good news they say. I can't wholly agree.

I'm waiting for the recruiter to call me and tell me if I "got the job". At which point I fane disbelief, "Are you serious? Of course I accept." It is by no means my dream job but I've been dreaming about the paycheck it will give me since I learned of it.

If I checked my voicemail 50 times since 9:30 am I'm really low balling. I really just want to hear the good, bad or ugly before this evening. This way I can start Monday on a clean slate. I can get back in the trenches and once again survey the scene. It's pretty tough out there...I hope I get called in from the war.