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Franklin Park, New Jersey, United States

Thursday, April 13, 2006


One month from today I will be 29 years old. I've been having some crazy thoughts today. Thoughts that involve leaving New York and living somewhere else for a few years. Just quitting and packing and leaving and starting a new chapter. My stomach jumps and gets nervous at the thought of it but, why not? I couldn't keep the feelings inside any longer and I ran it by "him" just to see where his head is at in all of this. His heart is open to the possibility of adventure and that makes me smile. I've talked like this before but it was in abstract. This year I want to see how it could possibly come to life-I want to get a real plan. I'm researching and reading and I won't stop until I have some answers. I'm sure my vacation next month will get the creative juices flowing...

I keep a favorite "What I know for sure" article by Oprah on my desk and lately more than ever I want to keep it in the fore front of my mind. "Once you decide what you want, you make a commitment to that decision" I want to commit to making my life more of what I want this year.