1. I'm kinda scared of growing old-but I'm beginning to realize that it's a blessing.
2. I grew up on Long Island.
3. I'm an aunt to 3 nieces.
4. I fear rejection.
5. I am terrified of the backlash this blog may bring, but I want to speak what is on my heart.
6. I love the beach and to travel.
7. I had my first drink as a Junior in college-I was afraid that if I drank I would become an alcoholic.
8. My father is an alcoholic.
9. I've never done any drugs, not even weed.
10. I want to adopt children one day.
11. I will not have a child unless I'm married.
12. I'm a huge fan of Seinfeld. The season ended on my 22nd birthday.
13. That is the day I graduated from NYU.
14. I have a cat.
15. I don't care for dogs at all, I think that they are all wild beasts waiting to turn on you. In April 2005 one bit me. I was just walking down the street and did nothing to instigate the attack.
16. I have a hard time taking criticism or compliments. I often take them personally and feel like I don't deserve either.
17. I am really working on this-it is a flaw.
18. I'm glad I got to see New Orleans pre-Katrina.
19. I don't drink carbonated beverages but sometimes I have a swig of Pepsi (only Pepsi) with my pizza.
20. My mom's name was Grace Kelly before she was married.
21. I studied karate.
22. I was assaulted on the subway twice. Which is why I did #21.
23. I was never assaulted again.
24. I am severely allergic to shellfish, especially shrimp. I could die if I eat it.
25. All of my grandparents are dead.
26. I love food. I can't even pick a favorite cuisine-depends on my mood.
27. My music taste depends on my mood.
28. I've taking piano lessons at different points in my life. The last time was college, I got kinda good but haven't praticed in years.
29. I was in love with John Starks (formerly of the New York Knicks) in High School.
30. I went to my first Yankees game Summer of 2005.
31. I don't have a drivers license-but I will soon.
32. I dated a married man. I didn't know he was married at first...Then I did.
33. I like the color purple.
34. I used to date a lot of losers. For 2005 I decided "No Mas".
35. I met a nice guy.
36. I never like the way that I look in pictures.
37. I don't curse...Ever - for serious...
38. I was in therapy for 3 years. I stopped because it was really expensive but sometimes I wish I still had that outlet.
39. I believe in God.
40. I believe in Satan. You should too-after all, he believes in you.
41. I'm not registered with a political party.
42. I only became interested in politics in the last few years. What I've learned is some scary 'ish.
43. I worked at Bloomingdales in the evenings last holiday season. It was a lot of fun.
44. My middle name is Michel (pronounced My-Kel) but I tell everyone it's pronounced Michelle.
45. I bought and read, "He's just not that into you".
46. I love shoes.
47. I love pocket books.
48. I have too many of each.
49. I am afraid of being judged.
50. I am afraid of being labeled.
51. I was sometimes teased in elementary school. I don't remember why.
52. I dated the Homecoming King in High School.
53. I pee ALOT.
54. I like kisses on the cheek.
55. I have secrets I can't tell.
56. I don't play video games. I don't know how.
57. I don't have cable.
58. I wasn't allowed to watch much t.v. growing up.
59. I read a lot. I still do.
60. Dean Koontz is my favorite writer. I would like to meet him.
61. Christy Turlington was in my freshman psychology class. I didn't realize who she was until half-way through the semester. I just thought that she was really pretty.
62. I sometimes wish I had an older sibling.
63. I'm the oldest.
64. I want to make a difference in the world.
65. I am a very organized person.
66. Sometimes I want to just pick-up and go-move somewhere else, start over.
67. I never again want to live on Long Island.
68. If I had a little girl, I would name her Davis.
69. I believe everyone should have a cake on their birthdays.
70. I prefer homemade cake to bakery cake any day.
71. I don't drink coffee.
72. I believe in karma.
73. Sometimes I take diet pills.
74. I go to church. Sometimes I miss.
75. I like to make people laugh.
76. I have a sarcastic sense of humor.
77. I went to college pre-med.
78. I'm not a doctor.
79. I'm going back to school for photography.
80. I think that's what I want to be when I grow up.
81. I'm addicted to lotion. I must be moisturized at all times. This included my lips.
82. Friends make fun of me for this.
83. I've worn glasses since I was 8 or 9.
84. I got my period when I was 9.
85. When I was a little girl I always felt "older" mentally.
85. I have bouts of depression.
86. I started therapy because I was so sad that I was afraid if I started to cry I wouldn't be able to stop.
87. Therapy really helped a lot. I've got a better handle on life but sometimes I still have sad days.
88. I usually initiate get togethers with friends.
89. I have a bbq in Prospect Park every summer.
90. Sometimes I wonder what people see when they see me...
91. I have a gap between my teeth. I've never wanted braces because of it.
92. I'm always cold. I carry a pashmina-type shawl in my bag year round.
93. I love yellow cake with chocolate frosting.
94. I don't really like to cook. I sometimes bake during the winter months though.
95. I wanted to be married by the time I was 27.
96. I'm not good at lying.
97. I don't like getting my hands dirty. I wear gloves for dirty jobs.
98. I relax (chemically straighten) my own hair.
99. I generally don't wear one scent alone, I mix.
100. I don't send my laundry out. I can't stand the thought of someone touching my dirty clothes. (at the end of 2005-I started to send it out because I never had time to do it myself. It's not as bad as I thought)
101. I hate the sound that you hear when someone picks at their nails.
102. I hate winter.
103. I buy bathing suits online in the winter to cheer myself up.
104. I have to prepare myself weeks in advance when I have an appointment with "That Doctor" I hate it that much.
105. My uncle's name is R. Kelly
106. I'm a 36B and I don't mind-it's a handful, and that's all I need.
107. Everyone always asks me to google stuff for them.
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