We had good times, me and "E". I don't want them back though. Sometimes people say how they want to go back, I don't. It was good, but I want to keep it there, I can go back and relive the memories.
I always kinda had in the back of my mind that one day when we were 50 something, we'd "get together with the kids" and the signifigant others and talk about the old days. I never imagined that it would be like this. That you'd be gone without a good bye, or a true reconciliation. I always thought I had more time. I got the message from my mom that you asked about me a while back, and I meant to get back to you but…life happened and then it was lower down on my to-do list. This way is so much more painful because there's so much I had left to say. It's all right there at the tip of my tongue and I need to dish. I need to tell you what's been going on since we last spoke and I need to hear your laugh and see you smile. Just don't seem like, fair. Just don't seem fair that you had to go so soon. Just doesn't seem fair that it's forever, it's so, final. You can't cry to make it stop, you can't press rewind. That's it.
I don't want to go back and relive the memories because you can't come.

1 comment:
Life is not fair, I've learned that the tough way. Most of the times we prioratize things in our life the wrong way, leaving all that matters for last. We don't realize how much those little things mean, we don't know how much we care about people until it's too late and they are gone. I don't want to go back to my old memories, I want to create new ones with those I love, with those who are already a part of the memories of my life.
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