I've been listening to the Madonna Re Invention Tour (or whatever she called it) on repeat for days and I agree with her - this modern life ain't for me.
I have no time these days. I can't remember the last time I saw my friends. I scheduled a brunch on Sunday as a kind of friend group visit - I'll making myself available for a chunk of time and I'm asking them to do the same. It's pitiful. I invited one girlfriend and she said, "I have to share time with other people? No, I don't want to do that. When else can you see me?" She's penciled in for next week...
I have a feeling that when the snow thaws and the mercury rises I'll still have friends but it ain't lookin' that great. I can't even get anyone on the phone these days.
It seems as if everyone in my life is working their arses off!! I know that I am. I've never worked so hard in all my life. I've never drank as much either. I don't think this makes me a bad person...at least I hope not.
There are thirty something days between me and a Miami weekend and it's hard to imagine that I'll last that long. Just this morning I dreamt of 'la isla bonita'. Walking through the automatic sliding doors at Miami International and being slammed in the face with a wall of heat and humidity is like something that fairy tales are made of. My tongue can almost taste the icy sweet of my frozen 'easter egg' drink from Wet Willies. There is a part of me that thinks this might be the next time that I actually SEE My Dear Friend Irene - this frightens me.
I'm going to cross my fingers from now until Sunday and hope that no one cancels.
1 comment:
Wow! I can't believe she's that jealous of your attention. Were there notes on her report card, "does not play well with others - does not share"?
Hope you have a ball in FLA
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