I guess it's time for reflecting huh? Thinking about all the ways 2005 sucked and how 2006 is going to be wonderful and fabulous and yadda, yadda, yadda. I mean, 2005 did suck and in my opinion MY 2006 IS going to be fabulous. I'm just kind of tired of saying it out loud-Let's get it started!
I have such a fan-tabulous year planned. Planned is the operative word-nothing to date has ever really gone "as planned" in my life. This some how doesn't deter me from planning though. I'm pretty much booked all year although, things don't really start rolling until April. This year my friends and I will begin to turn "A certain age". I don't official cross that bridge until 2007 but I'm still close enough to feel the fire and smell the smoke. I'm coming to terms with it, no really I am. When I arrive I'm preparing myself to feel nothing less than blessed. Some people in my life didn't make it to 30-sometimes I need to remind myself of that. Then I feel foolish because every day is really a precious gift.
Next subject.
Tomorrow night is the big night. The biggest night of the year for most. In October the whispers start and by Thanksgiving most people "have a place". By this I mean, they know where they are spending New Years Eve. They've paid the big bucks to stand elbow to elbow in a building full of sweaty, drunk strangers and celebrate the passing of the old and the birth of the new.
In years passed, I've frantically searched for "some place to go" and "some thing to wear" and actually felt anxiety. I used to believe that how one spent New Years Eve was indicative of what the anticipated year held. I don't really believe that anymore.
Last New Years Eve by no fault of my own, (actually maybe it was-I made plans with a liar) I spent the evening alone. It made me sad on so many levels. I've been alone at night before...that wasn't it. It was the fact that I made plans with this guy who basically stood me up-on New Years Eve of all nights. He never really apologized for it either, not in the way I wanted to hear. We were in telephone contact all night but he couldn't seem to break himself away from his friends so that we could go out-and he didn't want me to come to where he was with his friends because of some lame excuse. Last New Years Eve as I rejected an invitation from a girlfriend to a house party moments after realizing that I was going to spend the night alone I laid on my bed and cried. It wasn't just the fact that I'd bought a new outfit and new makeup or that I was already dressed when I realized (and then decided) I wasn't going anywhere. It was the silence that was screaming in my apartment that made me cry. Rewinding MIML that had come to naught. It was watching in silence all the smiling people in Times Square on the television that I couldn't bare to hear laughing and enjoying themselves. They seemed to be mocking my feelings of abandonment. It was knowing my friends were all "some where" doing "some thing" and I couldn't bring myself to call them in tears and ruin their night. I couldn't bear to call and have them think of me as I felt in those moments as I lay there.
This year I've decided that I'm going to take it easy this year. I haven't bought an outfit, I'm not obsessing. I have asked a few people what they will be up to because well, old habits die hard. The thing is I'm not really feeling crazy because I don't have plans set in stone. I'm feeling like-I'll go where the night takes me and I'll be sure to report back all the gory details come Tuesday. This is my life, if you know nothing you KNOW there WILL be details.
Well kids, If you don't be good be careful!
Good Night and Good Luck in the New Year!