Having the opportunity to sit in the Unit these past few weeks has been an experience. I am doing my best to empathize, I am. Some of them are very sick I realize that. I also emphasize some of them because some of them are just very crazy. I think the chemo affects brain function or something. You think I'm going to hell, do you? Well, I'm sorry after a while working anywhere wears on the nerves a bit. I'm sure you've got jokes at your job also. I just look really evil cause at my job the folks sometimes are on their way to crossing Jordan.
It's been one of those weeks. I know, I know it's tuesday. I've been at work everyday except Sunday since last Monday so pardon me, it's been one of those weeks. I need some time off because I'm getting cold, really cold and it's not good. I'm smiling and nodding and on the inside I'm saying, "If I throw a stick will you go away?". If you don't want to go away I will. I want to cuddle up in my bed right now and sleep but I can't . Good thing I'm in the Urgent Care, maybe I could get one of the RN's to put my tea on IV 'cause I'm slippin' fast.
Tomorrow I'm meeting the girls for drinks and I so need it. I can't wait. Provided I can stay awake long enough to put back a few. My plan is to stay here tonight until I put a dent in my workload, I have a Monday deadline I'm trying to make. This is the biggest thing that I've worked on in my new position and I don't want my boss to think I'm a slacker. I'm not a slacker, I'm a multi-tasker. I can IM, email, blog and work all at the same time, can't you??