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Franklin Park, New Jersey, United States

Friday, April 7, 2006

No regrets

I made a new friend this summer. He is a physically fit gentleman in his mid-fifties with a hearty sense of humor and a personality larger than life. His body is his personal canvas. He has adorned himself head to toe in sentimental works of art. He is a father and a husband. He is living with cancer. Yesterday he found out he is dying.

Have you ever wondered what if would feel like to know that your dying, and there isn't anything you can do about it? There is no cure. No hope. All you have is today. All any of us really have is today isn't it? We forget that but it's true.

Thinking about how it must feel to be in his place had me really upset last night. I even dreamed that my doctor called me and told me that "I" was dying. The mind is a crazy thing. I tried to think about what I would do? Who I would go see? How would I live out my last days? I feel weird even writing about this. "We first start dying the day of birth" isn't that how the saying goes? (sigh)

I don't want to live my life with regrets. To date I have only one. It is not something that I can change so I try not to dwell on it. I want to have the courage to say all the things that I mean, all the things that are on my heart. My intention is not to hurt or offend others but to live. This blog is one way that I can do this. It's semi-anonymous but it's a small world out there. My words will ruffle feathers but, that's the point. I don't want to live life standing on the side lines-I want to get in and play the game.