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Franklin Park, New Jersey, United States

Friday, January 13, 2006

Another little game...

I've been tagged to be apart of a blogger game by Genna. Here goes nothing.

Rules: "The first player of this game starts with the topic "five weird habits" of yourself and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals."

I'm sure a lot of people in my life would dare say there are way more than five!

1. The moment I come in the door from being outside I take off my shoes and return them to their proper box in the closet. I feel uncomfortable if I don't put them back in the box.

2. I can't leave the house in the morning unless my bed is made. Even if I'm running late I just can't...I've tried. Okay, I haven't tried-but I THOUGHT about it.

3. I don't like watching the news. All that bad news makes me anxious. My mom and I always fight over this when one or the other is visiting because she HAS to watch the news.

4. Sometimes I buy shoes or bags because it's a great price. Even when I know I'll only use it once...maybe never.

5. Whenever I call someone (friends/family) I always start the conversation with, "Hi (insert friend/family name), it's Maria". Even though I've been asked to stop doing it-the caller ID tells them it's me.
I started doing this a couple years ago when I called my mother and she had a conversation with me that escalated into a fight because she mistook me for one of my sisters. I just want everyone to be clear...that's all Momma wants.

Now your it...
Toast Crumbs
Suburban Bliss
Stephanie Klein


Genna said...

Thanks, Girl! I am the same way with the bed. :) Hope you are doing well.

Anonymous said...

Gah, my mom always has to watch the news too. I get so mad, like why does she have to have someone READ the news to her, why can't she just read the paper herself? Laziness, I tell you. Ok, then. Thanks for the tag, I'll try to give my answers later today or tomorrow - I know you can't wait, right? Who were you on Diaryland, the curiosity kills...I'm probably not going to update my msn space too much - people reading it I would rather not kind of thing - and diaryland has that cool little IP blocking feature. So there you go.