- Sister runs off from VA with derelict 'boyfriend' and my five month old niece to live in NY again (and I use the term 'boyfriend' very very loosely). This is done in secret 2 days before Thanksgiving.
- Mother calls hysterical when she arrives home to find the house empty.
- Discover that Mother is using cigarettes to sedate herself.
- Meet my brand new nephew Justice who is beautiful.
- Get hugs from my niece Leah.
- Have fight with boyfriend.
- Drop cellphone in public toilet at mall with NO money to purchase another one if phone decides it will not come back to life.
- Make up with boyfriend.
- Decide to stay one extra day because I worry about leaving my mother alone after she's had a house full for 4 days.
- Cellphone comes back to life.
- Arrive at bus depot only to be informed that the bus is full and oversold and that I will have to leave Sunday night at midnight.
- Arrive in NYC Monday morning at 6:30am and go straight to work sans shower or sleep.
Thanksgiving holiday over: PRICELESS